The Siamese cat is easily one of the most recognizable of all breeds, especially when it flashes those almond shaped blue eyes. Siamese cats may have a very distinctive look, but they still have to be tended to very much in the way that you would look after any other cat, with grooming being very high on that care list. The good news for Siamese owners is that their cat does a pretty good job of looking after its own fur, although they are a breed that do like to be pampered and preened, so regular brushing is still a good idea.

The one time your cat may need some help is when you have a Siamese kitten that hasn't quite learned the skills of proper grooming, and also during the winter, when just about every breed of cat grows a heavier undercoat to protect themselves against the approaching temperature drops. Grooming doesn't just begin and end with looking after the fur, and the Siamese cat in particular has some very specific issues that require the attention of a loving owner.

Let's start off with the coat though, and while Siamese cats have short fur that they do a great job of maintaining themselves, grooming them on a regular basis will help keep that excess hair under control, as well as being a very nice way to bond with your cat. Brushes can oftentimes be a little rough on the short hair of your Siamese, so it may be a good idea to use a comb, or even better yet, add a little moisture to your hands and run them across your cat's body. The excess hair will stick to your hands, and kitty will get a nice little massage in the process. During the winter months you could warm your hands under the hot water tap first, so that he gets a double combo of heat from the grooming.

The claws of your Siamese are a very important part of the grooming process, and that is because they cannot fully retract them. Make sure to keep them clipped, which will reduce the risk of them nicking themselves, and you too for that matter. The beautiful eyes of the Siamese have a tendency to tear up, so you should regularly wipe the surrounding area with a damp cloth; try to keep one hand free so that you can pet your cat to keep him relaxed during this process. There really is very little else to do when it comes to grooming, and if you focus on doing these things regularly, then your Siamese cat kitten will grow into a beautiful looking adult.

To find out more about Siamese Cats and what is happening in the world of Siamese Cats please refer to

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