Your cat needs to take medication, but refuses to take it. What do you do? Very few cats will chew or swallow a pill, most will fight you when you try to give it to them. It is time to get creative.

First, the best time to give your cat their medication, is in the morning after a good night sleep. They are more relaxed at that time and are apt to take it easier.

Giving medicine to your pet is not like giving it to your children. You can tell your child that it will make them feel better. When you give it to your cat, they do not understand what you are doing. Try to make it easy for your pet and they will be responsive the next time they have to take the medicine.

The best way to get your cat to take their medication is always be gentle. Trying to stuff a whole pill down their throat does not make for a happy pet, and it will make the next time worse.

If the medication is in pill form, it is best to break it up into real small pieces. You can use a coffee grinder or a blender or anything that will break the pill down into small pieces. If the medication comes in a capsule, all you need to do is take it apart and put it in their food. To put it in dry food, you can add some warm milk or warm chicken broth. Another good way to give them their medication is after you break the pills down is put it into some wet can food. Only give them the wet cat food when you need to give them their pills because then it becomes a treat that they only get once in a while.

I have never used the method of forcing a pill into my cat's mouth because it can only frustrate the cat. They remember the unpleasant experience, and the next time they need to take medication, it could be worse for them. It is the same thing if you take them to the veterinarian and get the cat carrier out, they remember and do not want to go.

I usually pet my cat and get her very relaxed on my lap and speak softly before I give her the medicine in wet or dry food. I will give her a teaspoon first and then put the rest in her bowl. If you have to give your cat medicine, you can make it a pleasant, non threatening time for them. Remember, gentleness and kindness goes a long way.

Mary Carpenter is an entrepreneur and writer. Check out one of her business at

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